Environmental management badge – Bradesco

White version of the badge

We were asked to make a badge, similar to what they have for the ISO 14000 but destined to be used for the bank branches around the country.

Environmental management is supposed to be a methodology on the environmental impacts that are related to the branches infrastructure and the behavior from the employees. The badge would identify the branches that are in agreement with the methodology.

below are some of my sketches:

sketches for the environmental management badge (Selo GestΓ£o Ambiental)

My final version ended up being the top right one. It has the circle forming it, reminding of a hug and a water drop, the most important element on Earth. The Bradesco logo grows out of the leaves like a flower, and the leaves can also be seen as a fish fin, making a connection to our impacts on our lakes and oceans, even if we don’t really have conscience about it.